Magic Bag Price Today (Felix Price Today)
Magic Bag ($FELIX) that introduces a revolutionary approach to tokenomics: True Burn, Smart LP, and Reflections.
The $FELIX Smart Contract achieves all 3 functions with low gas fees on transactions through key features like randomness and internalized fees. Every buy or sell is a game of chance, determining the contract's function, while fees for swapping ETH are covered by the deployer.
Tokenomics of Magic Bag ($FELIX):
"Burn" - True Burn:
True Burn sets $FELIX apart. With each interaction, tokens undergo genuine burning, permanently decreasing the total supply. The "Incinerator" feature allows holders to easily contribute to the burn.
"Grow" - Smart LP:
Magic Bag introduces Smart LP, a low-fee, auto-growing liquidity pool. It rewards LP token holders without extra costs by rerouting tokens meant for liquidity directly back to the LP address, preventing ETH withdrawal while providing LP rewards. Heavy gas fees are eliminated, saving users significant costs.
"Reflect" - ETH Reflections:
Reflections enable holders to earn ETH based on ownership percentage. More $FELIX means more Ethereum earned through Reflections. The allocation is proportional to token holdings.
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