Reward Hunters (RHT)
Reward Hunters (RHT)
Circulating 800,000,000.00
Total Supply 1,000,000,000.00
Max Supply 1,000,000,000.00

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The Token: Token with reflection in BNB, Every transaction made, on purchase 10% of the fee is allocated to the reward system, on sale 12% is allocated to the reward system. To be able to participate in the rewards, the minimum is 10,000 RHT Tokens. The more tokens, the higher your reward will be proportionally. But that's not financial advice, DYOR. Every 01 hour, the system releases payments of fees collected in the purchase and sale process for all Holders in a proportional way to what the holder has tokens. The system checks the possibility of paying every 1 hour. If there is not enough income to pay, he will try in the next hour. Remember, the reward system exists according to the volume of the purchase and sale, because of the fees charged, the amount is allocated to the reward system. Token Usability: We are already in progress and with a release date for our Game, Battle Royale style, online, which will be available for Androi, IOS and Desktop. Only RHT Holders will be able to play the game. The Game will be Play to Earn, using NFT, NFT Wins and an exclusive player betting system, there will be weekly championships. Also read: Rewardeum Reum Price USD
Frequently Asked Questions (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of Reward Hunters (RHT) is USD
24 Hours, High Price of Reward Hunters (RHT) is USD 0 and Low price of Reward Hunters (RHT) is USD 0
The total supply of Reward Hunters (RHT) is 1000000000 and Circulating supply of Reward Hunters (RHT) is 800,000,000.00
The trading volume of Reward Hunters (RHT) is 513 In the last 24 hours