What is Proof of Reserves? Building Trust & Transparency

Key takeaways

  • Proof-of-Reserve is an auditing algorithm that could be used on multiple fronts.

  • It helps users determine if the company has as much backing as they are promising. 

  • Companies like Binance and Kraken are adopting this new consensus.

13-Jan-2023 Anirudh Trivedi
What is Proof of Reserves? Building Trust & Transparency

Imagine if you could start a new DeFi ecosystem from scratch. What would be the first thing you would need? A working blockchain, of course! But what comes after that?

For most new cryptocurrencies, the next step is to launch a staking mechanism and before that, ICOs and airdrops. An ICO is a process by which new coins are created and sold to the public. But not all ICOs are created equal. To be successful, your coin must have a working blockchain and a solid team behind it. But staking and liquidity providers are some of the most important parts of a DeFi ecosystem

Your projects also need something else: Proof of Reserves. Proof of Reserves is a new consensus algorithm that is quickly gaining popularity in the cryptocurrency community. In this article, we will explain what Proof of Reserves is and why it is the future of auditing.

What Is a Consensus Algorithm?

A consensus algorithm is a procedure that helps a group of computers reach an agreement on something. In the context of blockchain, this is how new blocks of data are added to the chain.

There are many different consensus algorithms, but proof of reserves is a new one that is starting to become more popular. Proof of reserves is unique because it doesn't rely on proof of work or proof of stake. Instead, it uses the amount of cryptocurrency a user holds as verification.

How Do Consensus Algorithms Work?

Now that we understand a little bit more about how Proof of Work works, let's take a look at how Proof of Reserve works.

Proof of Reserve is a new consensus algorithm that is designed to be more secure and efficient than just a word of mouth. With Proof of Reserve, validators are required to prove that they actually own the coins that they are mining. This prevents miners from mining coins that they do not own, which reduces the risk of double spending.

Proof of Reserve is also more efficient than Proof of Work because it does not require the use of expensive hardware. This makes it a more viable option for smaller cryptocurrency networks.

The Different Types of Consensus Algorithms

There are a few different types of consensus algorithms, but we'll focus on the two most popular: proof of work and proof of stake.

Proof of work is the algorithm that Bitcoin and Ethereum use. In this algorithm, miners race to solve a cryptographic puzzle to add a new block to the blockchain. 

The first miner to solve the puzzle is rewarded with new bitcoin or ether, and the transaction fees from the block are also paid out to them. This process is energy-intensive and requires specialized hardware, which is why miners are often called "computational powerhouses."

Proof of stake is a newer algorithm that many other cryptocurrencies are using. In this algorithm, the creator of a new block is chosen at random from among the holders of the cryptocurrency. This process is much more energy-efficient than proof of work, and it doesn't require any specialized hardware. However, it does have some drawbacks, which we'll talk about later.

But instead of being a consensus that governs a blockchain, Proof of Reserve promotes the genuineness of an ecosystem, blockchain or not. Quite interestingly, projects like Binance and Chainlink are adopting their own versions of Proof of Reserves.

Why Proof of Reserves Is the Future of Consensus Algorithms

So, what is a proof of reserves algorithm? It's a new way of verifying that a cryptocurrency or other digital asset actually has the reserves it claims to have.

With proof of reserves, all transactions are verified against cryptographic proof that includes information about all the assets in the system. This means that every transaction can be verified as valid and that no one can create fake assets or otherwise game the system.

This is a big deal because it means that we can now have truly trustless systems where everyone can be sure that the assets they're dealing with are real and legitimate. This could have huge implications for everything from banking to voting, and I believe it's going to be a major part of the future of consensus algorithms.

How Proof of Reserves Works

So how does this work? Well, in order for a node to join the network, it must first prove that they have a reserve of the native token. This reserve is then used to generate blocks, which are then verified by other nodes on the network.

The more reserves a node has the more blocks it can generate, and the more rewards they earn. This provides an incentive for nodes to keep their reserves high, and also helps to secure the network.

So what happens if a node doesn't have enough reserves? They won't be able to generate blocks, and they'll eventually be kicked off the network. This helps to keep the network secure and ensures that only those with a genuine interest in supporting the network are able to participate.

Criticisms of Proof of Reserves

You might be thinking that all of this sounds too good to be true. And you wouldn’t be wrong to be skeptical—there are some criticisms of proof of reserves.

To start with, proof of reserves is a very new consensus algorithm, and so it hasn’t been battle-tested in the way that other algorithms have. 

There’s also the question of whether or not it’s truly decentralized—if you have a large enough stake in the system, you could potentially control the validators.

And finally, there’s the issue of trust—with proof of reserves, you have to trust that the validators are honest and that they won’t try to manipulate the system for their own gain.

All that being said, We believe that proof of reserves is a promising new consensus algorithm that has the potential to solve some of the problems with existing algorithms.

Who is applying for Proof of Reserves?

Many big names have or are implementing Proof of Reserves technology; the point of Proof of Reserves is to make the process of genuine audit easy, accessible, and transparent. Stablecoins like USDT could really use Proof of Reserves to make sure that the market does not lose trust in them.

There are a few companies that have already implemented Proof of Reserves into their consensus algorithm, and the results have been very promising. Chainlink is one such company, and they've seen a significant increase in transaction speeds and security.

Other companies are sure to follow suit, as Proof of Reserves offers a number of advantages over other consensus algorithms. With Proof of Reserves, there's no need for digging, and transactions can be verified quickly and easily.

It's still early days for Proof of Reserves, but it's already clear that it has the potential to revolutionize the way we reach consensus on the blockchain.


To put it simply, Proof of reserves is a new consensus algorithm that is being talked about a lot in the cryptocurrency world. There are many benefits to this algorithm, including the fact that it is more secure and efficient than other auditing techniques. However, there are also some drawbacks, such as the fact that it is still in its early stages and has not been widely adopted yet.

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