BRICS Nations Discussion with Cryptocurrency Exploration

Key Takeaways
  • BRICS nations discuss using cryptocurrencies to boost economies, reduce costs, and enhance financial independence
  • BRICS is considering adopting cryptocurrencies to reduce reliance on banks, tackle sanctions, and boost financial inclusion
  • Proposal for a joint digital currency to streamline transactions and promote economic cooperation among member states
31-Jan-2024 By: Simran Mishra
BRICS Nations Discus

BRICS Meeting Update and Highlights the Power of Blockchain and Crypto

The first BRICS sherpa meeting of 2024 recently took place in Moscow, bringing together representatives from 10 member states to discuss economic and financial strategies. The participating countries include Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, and Ethiopia. The meeting is notable for its diverse perspectives and agendas.

China, Russia, and Iran are promoting the use of national currencies in trade settlements, and this has sparked discussions about the potential introduction of a common BRICS currency. Alongside these talks, there is also a focus on exploring increased technological collaboration. China has proposed the creation of a BRICS AI development and cooperation center as part of these efforts.

But a new turn can also come because many industries and businesses are coming together to adopt blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies simultaneously. Similarly, BRICS nations may also think about using cryptocurrencies to boost the economy and enhance financial strategies. And as in previous news we saw, Union budget also have may expectation towards crypto, blockchain technology as well as crypto exchange.

The Current Scenario

Iran's representative, Mehdi Safari, has shown enthusiasm about speeding up the implementation of diverse economic and financial efforts, including the exploration of digital currencies. During the leaders' summit in Johannesburg last year, there were earlier discussions about a common BRICS currency. However, the focus shifted towards using national currencies to reduce dependence on the U.S. dollar.

Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergey Ryabkov highlighted the need to explore greater use of national and local currencies to minimize the negative effects of the existing global economic system. China's BRICS sherpa, Ma Zhaoxu, expressed similar feelings, emphasizing the strategic priority of financial cooperation and proposing the expansion of settlements in local currencies.

New Era Will Begin with Crypto Power

Within the discussions about national currencies, a fresh perspective may emerge, that BRICS nations might be thinking about incorporating cryptocurrencies into their economic system. The goal would then be to leverage the advantages of decentralized digital currencies to boost economic collaboration, reduce transaction expenses, and strengthen financial independence. Indian crypto investors also expected new and positive turns, their expectations based on 2024 Union Budget.

Embracing Cryptocurrencies for Economic Independence

The unique approach lies in the adoption of cryptocurrencies as a means to achieve economic independence for the BRICS nations. Here are the key points supporting this perspective:

Reducing Reliance on Traditional Banking Systems

Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized blockchain technology, eliminating the need for intermediaries such as banks. By embracing cryptocurrencies, BRICS nations can reduce their dependence on traditional banking systems, fostering financial autonomy.

Mitigating the Impact of Sanctions

Some BRICS nations, including Iran, have faced economic sanctions that restrict their access to global financial systems. Cryptocurrencies provide a decentralized and censorship-resistant alternative, enabling these nations to engage in international trade without the limitations imposed by traditional financial sanctions.

Enhancing Financial Inclusion

Cryptocurrencies offer the potential to enhance financial inclusion, providing unbanked populations in BRICS nations with access to a secure and decentralized financial system. This can spur economic growth by empowering individuals and businesses that were previously excluded from traditional banking.

Facilitating Cross-Border Transactions

Cryptocurrencies, with their borderless nature, streamline cross-border transactions by eliminating the need for multiple currency conversions and intermediaries. This can significantly reduce transaction costs and enhance trade efficiency among BRICS nations.

BRICS Cryptocurrency Initiative

The prescription includes the establishment of a collaborative BRICS cryptocurrency initiative. This initiative could involve the development of a common digital currency, fostering seamless transactions and economic cooperation among member states.

Aims and Focus

This coin gabbar news portal aims to explore the powerful decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. The influence of blockchain technology has the possibility for BRICS nations to adopt crypto because here highlights the growing significance of cryptocurrencies in shaping their economic outlook.

This includes a focus on making information about cryptocurrencies more accessible and user-friendly. The member countries are exploring ways to simplify the understanding of crypto-related concepts and promote their widespread adoption. This collaborative effort aims to create a more inclusive environment for individuals to engage with and benefit from the opportunities presented by the evolving crypto landscape within the BRICS alliance.

Research and Development

Encouraging collaborative research and development efforts among BRICS nations to explore the creation of a common cryptocurrency that aligns with their economic goals and regulatory frameworks.

Regulatory Frameworks

Establishing clear and conducive regulatory frameworks for the use of cryptocurrencies within each BRICS nation. This involves addressing concerns related to security, fraud, and ensuring compliance with international standards.

Educational Initiatives

Implementing educational initiatives to increase awareness and understanding of cryptocurrencies among policymakers, businesses, and the general population. This would facilitate a smoother transition towards incorporating digital currencies into the existing financial infrastructure.

Public-Private Partnerships

Promoting public-private partnerships to leverage the expertise of both government institutions and the private sector in developing and implementing cryptocurrency solutions. This collaborative approach ensures a comprehensive and well-rounded strategy.


The recent BRICS sherpa meeting in Moscow has sparked discussions on embracing cryptocurrencies as a tool for economic independence. China, Russia, and Iran are advocating for the use of national currencies, with potential talks on a common BRICS currency. The unique perspective now involves considering cryptocurrencies to reduce reliance on traditional banking, mitigate sanctions' impact, enhance financial inclusion, and facilitate cross-border transactions. 

A proposed BRICS cryptocurrency initiative focuses on collaborative research, regulatory frameworks, educational initiatives, and public-private partnerships to harness the benefits of decentralized digital currencies. This forward-thinking approach aims to create a more inclusive and user-friendly environment, marking a potential new era for BRICS nations in the evolving crypto landscape.

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