Disney's 2022 Accelerator Program will include a decentralized ETH scaling platform

14-Jul-2022 By: Shikha Jha
Disney's 2022 Accele

Disney's 2022 Accelerator Program will include a decentralized ETH scaling platform

Polygon, a platform for layer-2 scaling, has been chosen to participate in Disney's 2022 Accelerator Program to advance Polygon's web3 technology, which will start this week.

According to a statement released by The Walt Disney Company on July 13, the Ethereum scaling platform is one of the six projects selected for the Accerator Program, which this year is concentrating on augmented reality (AR), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and artificial intelligence (AI).

On Wednesday, Ryan Watt, the CEO of Polygon, announced that Polygon had been "the only blockchain selected" for Disney's esteemed Accelerator programme.

Applications for the accelerator programme opened on April 22 and closed on May 13, 2022.  Disney stated at the time that “the accelerator would target growth-stage businesses with a goal of having an impact on the direction of technology and entertainment.”

This year, two further Web3 projects were chosen, including Lockerverse, a web3 storytelling platform that links businesses and creators, and Flickplay, a web3 application that lets users discover non-fungible tokens (NFTs) through augmented reality (AR).

The Disney Accelerator Program was initially introduced in 2014. Participants in the programme are able to receive mentoring from the Disney Accelerator Team as well as direction from Disney's own executive team. According to reports, participants would also receive additional funding for investments and have access to co-working space at Walt Disney's Los Angeles campus.

Following the announcement, MATIC, the native token of Polygon, has climbed 18% over the past 24 hours.

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