Former Twitter CEO gives Solution for Twitter’s Censorship Issues

  • The Censorship Issue has long been a debatable topic in the Twitter community.

  • Recently, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey offered some solutions to these concerns.

  • Jack Dorsey also talks about the launch of the decentralized social media platform, Bluesky Social.

Former Twitter CEO g

Twitter executives spent years attempting to promote 

Healthier discourse on the platform, introducing content moderation mostly on the basis that it is good for business.

However, after Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, he proposed to lead the company on a new path. The world's richest billionaire says he wants to turn the company into a haven for free speech.

As a result, several significant leaders and government officials regained their accounts access following Musk's acquisition. This implies that Twitter again raised the topic of censorship issue, indicating that the platform is once again in the hands of corporates and governments.

In response, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey stated that establishing a platform resistant to corporate or government control is the only solution to Twitter's censorship issues.

Jack further noted some additional measures to counter censorship issues, like one should have the sole right to delete his/her own tweet and that moderation should be implemented through algorithmic choice. 

Former Twitter CEO also added that instead of designing a tool to regulate public conversation, the platform should more focus on creating a tool that allows users to manage hate and abusive tweets of the platform. This will eventually decentralize the network, which will then be known as a proper decentralized platform.

However, after Jack Dorsey was fired from Twitter, reports surfaced that the former CEO is planning to accelerate the development of Bluesky Social, a decentralized platform that was first mentioned in 2019.

Bluesky Social: Twitter Killer

BlueSky is an effort to create a decentralized social media platform. Initially, the project was funded by Twitter itself, but now the team behind the project has a full stake in the platform. The project is currently in the research phase. 

Once completely developed, it would allow separate social media networks to engage with one another using an open standard, despite the fact that each network has its own curation and moderation mechanisms.

In other terms, it is a social media platform similar to Ethereum or Algorand. Each social media platform that uses the protocol is an application, similar to decentralized applications based on a decentralized blockchain like Ethereum.

Experts anticipate that the Jack Dorsey-backed Bluesky Social platform will ultimately destroy Twitter's existence. However, if Twitter overcomes its censorship concerns, the picture will change, and possibly the players as well.

So, do you believe Twitter will address its censorship concerns or will Bluesky Social eventually surpass Twitter in terms of decentralization? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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