Gemini's French Registration Boosts Crypto Presence

Key Takeaways
  • Gemini registers with France's AMF, solidifying its global crypto market presence
  • Gemini becomes a Digital Asset Service Provider in France, opening its crypto products to the French audience
  • Gemini's move aligns with EU regulations; France's growing interest in crypto positions it well for market expansion
19-Jan-2024 By: Simran Mishra
Gemini's French Regi

Gemini Strengthens Global Presence with French Regulatory Approval

Gemini, a top cryptocurrency exchange, has taken a significant step to strengthen its global position in the cryptocurrency market. The exchange has officially registered as a digital asset service provider (DASP) with Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the financial markets regulator of France. This move follows Gemini's successful launch of its European Union (EU) headquarters in Ireland in 2022.

Now, Gemini is active in over a dozen EU countries and has a presence in more than 70 countries globally. The company plans to expand even further soon. This latest expansion highlights Gemini's dedication to growing its influence in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency.

Gemini’s French Registration Signals New Opportunities

Gemini has officially registered as a Digital Asset Service Provider (DASP) in France. This means that the exchange can now offer its range of cryptocurrency products to both regular users and institutions throughout the country. The company is enthusiastic about making its products accessible to the people of France in the next few weeks, indicating a notable move toward making cryptocurrencies more widely available and accepted in the country.

Gillian Lynch, Gemini's Head of Ireland and the EU, is excited about the company's expansion into France. She mentioned, "We're happy to have customers from France join the Gemini platform in the coming weeks as we continue to make crypto more accessible across Europe." This step is part of Gemini's larger plan to become a powerful player in the constantly changing world of digital assets.

EU Regulatory Framework and Gemini's Approach

Gemini's expansion into the European Union has been made easier thanks to the region's efforts to establish clear rules for cryptocurrencies. The introduction of the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) in April of last year was a turning point for the industry. MiCA not only makes service providers more responsible but also boosts consumers' confidence in using and investing in crypto-assets.

Gemini highlighted the positive effects of MiCA, stating that it makes it easier for people to access services across borders. This ensures that European consumers can enjoy a diverse and competitive market. The push for clearer regulations is a big plus for both institutional and regular investors. It helps eliminate uncertainties and creates a safer environment for cryptocurrency transactions.

Gemini's Global Reach

Gemini has made an impressive impact worldwide by offering accessible and secure cryptocurrency services. Operating in over 70 countries, and still growing, Gemini is set to play a crucial role in shaping the future of the digital asset world.

Gemini's entry into diverse markets shows that more people worldwide are becoming interested in and accepting cryptocurrencies. The company's goal of making crypto-assets more accessible matches the increasing trend of new investors exploring this alternative asset class.

France's Growing Crypto Influence

In a survey by the AMF released in November of last year, we learned about the changing trends in crypto adoption in France. According to the survey, 9% of the French population holds individual crypto assets, which is higher than the ownership rate of listed shares at 7%. This data indicates a growing interest in crypto assets, particularly among new investors who are showing more active engagement in this market compared to traditional stock markets.

Gemini's entry into the French market is well-timed, aligning with a rising interest in cryptocurrencies in the country. The exchange's easy-to-use platform and dedication to following regulations make it an attractive choice for both experienced investors and newcomers exploring the world of crypto.


Gemini's recent registration as a Digital Asset Service Provider (DASP) in France is a smart step in its worldwide growth. The cryptocurrency exchange's focus on following regulations, along with its easy-to-use platform, makes it a powerful player in the changing digital asset world.

As Gemini is making big moves, not just in growing its reach, but also in shaping the rules for the crypto world. By successfully dealing with the complicated regulations in the EU and entering the French market, Gemini is showing its dedication to building a diverse and competitive space for cryptocurrencies. This not only helps cryptocurrencies become more widespread but also puts Gemini at the cutting edge of regulatory developments.

Gemini's story goes beyond just trading digital assets, it's about leading a new era of financial accessibility and changing how people and institutions deal with money. As Gemini reaches more countries, it's set to play a key role in shaping the future of the global financial system. 

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