Google Joins The ETH Merge Excitement cryptocurrency

12-Sep-2022 By: Shailja Joshi
Google Joins The ETH

As a sign of support for the upcoming Ethereum Merge, tech behemoth 

Google has added a new countdown timer to its platform.

The moment you type "Ethereum Merge" or "The Merge" into the search engine, you'll see a countdown ticker. This countdown will estimate the time remaining before the Merge based on the current difficulty, hash rate, and merge difficulty.

Off to the side is a cartoon of two joyful pandas sprinting towards one other with their hands outstretched—which supposedly will get closer as the Merge date approaches.

Ehereum Merge

In a September 9 tweet, Google Cloud developer Sam Padilla said the timer was "a fun little surprise". It is a way to demonstrate their appreciation for the years of work that had gone into this.

He stated that the work was done by Google's search and laboratories teams. However, he did "kickstart" the concept and discussion that led to the timer's implementation.

In the same post, Padilla noted that the timer is directly tied to the blockchain, which updates the countdown in real time.

ETH Merge Excitement

Google is becoming more involved in the crypto industry, establishing a Web3 team under Google Cloud on May 6. However, Google developers aren't the only ones keeping a close eye on the Merge.

According to recent Google search data, searches for the keyword "Ethereum Merge" earned a score above 50 several times in the last 30 days, peaking at 100 on September 3.

A value of 100 indicates "highest popularity for the word," while a value of 50 indicates "half as popular." A score of 0 indicates that there was insufficient data for that day.

Meanwhile, a recent report from sources found Singapore is the country most interested in the impending ETH Merge, followed by Switzerland and Canada, Germany, the United States, and the Netherlands.

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