Maxine Water Calls FTX SBF Subpoena "Definitely On The Table"

  • According to the chairperson of a U.S. court, Bankman-Fried was served with a subpoena. is "definitely on the table" for a House committee.

  • Waters had previously stated that the author of FTX must testify and that the committee would arrange future hearings if more information became available.

Maxine Water Calls F

A subpoena for Bankman-Fried, according 

to the chairwoman of a U.S. House committee, is "absolutely on the table."

Maxine Waters tweeted that a subpoena for FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was "Definitely on the table" in reaction to allegations that she was reluctant to force Bankman-Fried to appear before a House Committee. In reaction to the online accusations, Waters released the statement.

On December 13, Maxine awaits SBF.

Although the House Committee has scheduled a hearing on the situation for Tuesday, Waters poked fun at a prominent news outlet by saying that rumours about her not calling sbf were being propagated. A subpoena "is definitely on the table," she continued. Pay attention.

Waters had already said that the creator of FTX must testify, and that the committee was ready to schedule more hearings if additional information became available.

"Clear" Discussions With SBF

However, she later came under heavy criticism from the community because her tweet to SBF appeared to be friendly in tone while praising his "candid" talks on the FTX collapse.

As a result of the shocking failure of the Bahamas-based cryptocurrency exchange FTX and subsequent bankruptcy; following a liquidity crisis that caused at least $1 billion of customer funds to disappear; Bankman-Fried, a 30-year-old effective altruism proponent, is being investigated by regulators in the United States and other countries.

SBF Is Also Accused Of

Additionally, it was previously stated that two additional U.S. senators wanted Bankman-testimony Fried's and would subpoena him if necessary.

Additionally, according to recent news, federal authorities are looking into whether Bankman-Fried manipulated the cryptocurrency market for two coins, LUNA and UST, causing their inevitable extinction in early 2022.

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