Mississippi Introduces Bill Protecting Rights to Run a Node & Mine BTC

  • The proposed bill is the latest attempt by the US government to jump on the crypto bandwagon. 

  • The bill seeks to legally defend their residents' right to mine bitcoin (BTC) and run nodes.

  • As per reports, the bill states that it is entirely legal to own and operate mining nodes in both individual households and on a large scale.

21-Jan-2023 By: Simran Mishra
Mississippi Introduc

As per recent reports, Mississippi and Missouri lawmakers have introduced bills to safeguard and support bitcoin mining operations and node operators in their respective states.

Mississippi and Missouri state legislators have proposed new bills to capitalize on the advent of blockchain technology. The bill seeks to legally defend their residents' right to mine bitcoin and run nodes.

As per reports, the bills are being evaluated by the two states' Houses and Senates. Reports added that legislators will vote on the proposed legislation soon. The legislation is proposed by Mississippi Senator Josh Harkins, Rep. Jody Steverson, and Missouri House Rep. Phil Christofanelli.

The structure of both bills was driven by Satoshi Action Fund, a non-profit bitcoin mining advocacy group. Furthermore, the bill stipulates that it is entirely legal to own and operate mining nodes in both individual households and on a large scale.

In addition, the proposed legislation will shield state miners from discriminatory energy pricing. This indicates that Mississippi is finally getting along with the 21st-century crypto adoption.

What’s ahead?

The proposed bill is the latest attempt by the US government to jump on the crypto bandwagon. In December 2022, former Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey proposed a measure focusing on stablecoin legislation. The bill will serve as a roadmap for more acceptable crypto regulations in the future.

Reports also reveal that Mississippi aims to settle its loans by proposing bills to ease BTC mining. Experts noted that the bills will help the government in generating more revenues in the times to come, resulting in debt settlement.

What are your thoughts on the bills legalizing the adoption of BTC mining in the state? Please share your valuable thoughts in the comment section below.

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