Muskmelon is changing the game using NFTs and gaming as chariot!

Muskmelon is changin

Muskmelon is changing the game using NFTs and gaming as a chariot!

The NFT area is continually developing, with a lot of emphasis on the functionality of these NFTs being consistent. With Metaverse integrations picked up steam, the gaming sector was the first to see widespread adoption. Larger players joining the sector with distinct play to earn and NFT avatar models can only benefit the ecosystem much more. Muskmelon appears to be the most recent contender in the industry's competition for the most promising NFT gaming platform. With the funniest, most adventurous, community-driven platform of NFTs mixed with gaming and 10,000 unique 3D NFTs coming to our marketplace that will be tradeable as part of their gaming environment, we're bringing some very imaginative ideas to life. Their phased launch states that an NFT Marketplace devoted to their in-game NFTs will be online in May 2022, and the most anticipated game, RunMelonRun, will be the first of the games to be published on the platform that will house the Melon NFTs and blend the usefulness of the Melon Tokens. The game will be released in the third quarter of 2022 on the iOS and Android app stores. After that, Manifesto: Beyond Mars will be an immersive interplanetary game in which participants will be able to construct planets out of melons, other NFTs, and, most importantly, their imaginations. The game is expected to be completed in Q4 of 2022 and released at the end of the year. The platform takes pride in being a community-driven project to rekindle the flame that sparked the Blockchain-Cryptocurrency sector. Musk Melon appears to be an ecosystem attempting to captivate a worldwide audience with the possibilities of NFTs and immersive gaming. Melons have a total quantity of 10 billion tokens and will be available on the BEP20 and ERC20 networks. The MM community intends to secure maximum public involvement with a nearly fair auction. Melons will be offered for public sale on the XT Exchange and Bitmart for the first time in centuries on April 15th throughout galaxies. So join up now and be ready to take a giant leap towards Mars! Get some melons!

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