Top blockchain news: Number of individuals working in blockchain space climbs almost 80 percent year-on-year

14-Aug-2022 By: Rohit Tripathi
Top blockchain news:

Given the rising interest in the blockchain and cryptocurrency arena

The number of employees working in this emerging technology industry has increased.

According to the conclusions of a survey released on August 10 by the professional networking platform LinkedIn and the cryptocurrency exchange and derivatives exchange OKX, the number of individuals working in the blockchain industry climbed by 76% year on year as of June 2022.

In terms of the availability of blockchain talent, India, the U.S., and China are the top three countries in the world. With a growth rate of 122%, India has the world's fastest-growing blockchain skill pool. Following that is Canada, with a growth rate of 106%, and Singapore, with a rate of 92%.

top 10 countries for global blockchain talent

Job listings growth rate

Among the top ten blockchain talent demand nations, Spain had the highest growth rate, 609%, in terms of the number of job listings connected to blockchain technology. Canada ranked second with a growth rate of 560%, while India ranked third with 145%.

2021 job posting YoY Growth rate

According to the findings, the banking sector employs the most individuals in the blockchain business, accounting for 19% of the total.

Engineering skill, which makes up 16% of the total, comes next in significance. With corresponding percentages of 6%, the top five are completed by the talent in sales, information technology, and business development.

The report's findings also indicate that there is a sizable gap in the need for technical abilities.

Finally, the report acknowledges that global blockchain talent mobility [defined by short tenure and significant talent churn] is a result of demand surpassing supply for blockchain talent.

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