Pavel Durov, the guy who started Telegram, has finally said something after his surprising arrest in France last month.’s a big supporter free speech and was shocked by what the French authorities did. You, Telegram has a in the EU who's supposed to deal with these kinds of things. Durov pointed out that there were lots of ways for them to get in touch him, so he thinks the arrest needed at all.
In his public statement on his Telegram channel, Pavel Durov shared his disappointment and confusion over the French government’s decision to arrest him personally rather than address any issues directly with the company. He pointed out that he has frequently been in contact with French officials and had even assisted them in the past with setting up a hotline to combat terrorism using Telegram.
Durov, who holds citizenship in France, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates, revealed that he declined diplomatic assistance from Russia and the UAE, but agreed to keep the Emirati embassy informed of his situation.
Durov emphasized that Telegram’s core mission is to protect user privacy and uphold the principles of free speech. He stated that the platform has always been willing to leave markets where governments demand compromises on these values.
He cited previous instances where Telegram was banned in countries like Russia and Iran for refusing to comply with demands that violated the company’s principles. Durov reiterated that while Telegram is open to cooperating with regulators, it will not compromise on its commitment to user privacy and freedom of expression.
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