Study shows: Switzerland consists 'The Most Profitable Bitcoin Traders' Worldwide, while France currently 'Is the Best Bitcoin Trading Nation'

Study shows: Switzer

This week, researchers publisheda study that looks at the most profitable bitcoin traders by countryby leveraging statistics from multiple datasets. 

The study’s author Dan Ashmoreexplained one dataset stemmed from Chainalysis,which shows the top 25 countries in the world by realized bitcoin(BTC) gains in 2020.

This served as the study’s backdrop, as the invezz.comresearch team also utilized statistics from Worldometers and Triple A. Whilethe data shows Switzerland currently has the most profitable bitcoin tradersworldwide, France is the top country in terms of “the best bitcoin tradingnation.”

“[France] ranked 12thin the percentage of the country invested in crypto (3.3%), but animpressive third and eighth respectively in bitcoin gains per capita andbitcoin gains per investor, at $275 and $13 respectively,” Ashmore’s reportexplains. “While a lot of other countries placed well in certain categories,France was the only country to be above average in all three metrics.”

Following France on the list of countries, the Czech Republic and Belgium are secondand third in terms of the best bitcoin trading nations. Then there’sCanada, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, United Kingdom, UnitedStates, Spain, Japan, Ukraine, South Korea, and Italy respectively. Othernotable countries included Argentina, Vietnam, Poland, Russia, Thailand,Brazil, Turkey, and India. Out of all the countries listed, Switzerland’sbitcoin traders ruled the roost as far as BTC gains are concerned.

“Switzerland has the most profitable traders at $1,268 of gains per investor, howeverwith only 1.8% of the country investedin crypto, they get knocked down to a sixth-place finish. The CzechRepublic is similar,” the study details. But both Switzerland andthe Czech Republic are much lower on the list than France for specific reasons.“Switzerland and Czech Republic ranking 23rd and 21st respectively.

It is France [that claims] the title of best bitcoin traders. But theremust be something in the water in mainland Europe, because their dominance ofthe top of the table is clear.

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