Wicrypt Leading Web3 Infrastructure with Microsoft and Google Support

Key Takeaways
  • Nigerian startup Wicrypt secures $150k from Microsoft and $200k from Google Cloud, boosting its Web3 infrastructure efforts
  • Wicrypt leads in decentralized infrastructure, emphasizing global control, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in Web3
  • Wicrypt strategically expands to the Arbitrum blockchain for inclusivity. Microsoft and Google grants signify strong support for Web3's impact
11-Dec-2023 By: Simran Mishra
Wicrypt Leading Web3

Microsoft and Google Grant Nigeria Web3 Startup for Infrastructure

Wicrypt, a Nigerian Web3 startup, is making waves in reshaping our approach to infrastructure. On December 6, the company celebrated a major achievement, receiving a $150,000 grant from Microsoft. This comes right after they received a substantial $200,000 grant from Google Cloud. These endorsements from tech giants highlight the increasing acknowledgment of the transformative possibilities of decentralized physical infrastructure networks (Depin).

The Rise of Decentralized Infrastructure

Depin is leading a fresh approach to infrastructure by embracing the principles of decentralization, a key aspect of Web3. Instead of being controlled by a single entity, its network is maintained by a global community. This shift brings the promise of scalability, cost-effectiveness, and making infrastructure development accessible to everyone. Companies like Filecoin, Helium, and Iotex have already shown the practicality of such models.

Wicrypt's entry into this field, backed by Microsoft's grant, signals an exciting phase in infrastructure evolution. The grant will boost Wicrypt's efforts to improve collaboration and productivity in their development process, as highlighted in their appreciation post on their platform.

Web3 is More Than Just a Digital Transformation

The concept of Web3 goes beyond digital assets and cryptocurrencies. It represents a foundational shift in how digital systems are built and operated. With its focus on decentralization, transparency, and user empowerment. Web3 technologies like blockchain have the potential to redefine numerous sectors, including infrastructure.

Wicrypt's project shows how Web3 principles can be used in practical, real-world situations. Instead of concentrating infrastructure development in one place, Wicrypt is not only bringing innovation to the digital world but also finding solutions to important issues in managing physical infrastructure.

The Strategic Expansion to Arbitrum Blockchain

Wicrypt has recently expanded to the Arbitrum blockchain, making a strategic move to tap into the chain's strong user base. This shift aligns with the startup's vision to build a more inclusive, efficient, and scalable infrastructure model. Arbitrum's layer-2 solutions provide lower transaction fees and higher throughput, which perfectly aligns with Wicrypt's goal of creating cost-effective infrastructure.

Microsoft and Google Cloud – A Vote of Confidence

Microsoft and Google Cloud grants are strong endorsements of Wicrypt's vision. These investments go beyond just financial support, they show belief in the transformative potential of Web3 technologies. They are a big vote of confidence in Wicrypt's approach and its potential to make a significant impact on the global infrastructure landscape.


Wicrypt's achievements represent a big step forward in creating a decentralized, efficient, and fair world. The success stories with Microsoft and Google Cloud grants aren't just wins for Wicrypt, they're also important for the whole Web3 community. These achievements show how Web3 technologies can have a profound impact on reshaping our world. They point toward a future where access to infrastructure is easier, sustainability is prioritized, and collaborative efforts shape our shared environment.

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