DigiSwap (DIGIS)
DigiSwap (DIGIS)
0.00035437 -0.63 %
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 135,441,098.00
Max Supply 135,441,098.00

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DIGISWAP is a Innovative Multi platform that both decentralized and centralized trading protocol that launched in March 2022. DEX DIGISWAP is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that allows users to securely trade a massive variety of BEP-20 tokens quickly and cheaply without relying on centralized services or losing control over their private keys. All trades on DEX DIGISWAP are automatically executed via smart contracts — completely eliminating centralized intermediary risks. CEX DIGISWAP is traditional trading platform that allow user to trade any crypto asset and many feature that we will develop on our CEX digiswap. Centralized exchanges offer more options to their users for trading/investment. These are some of the possible options: Spot Trading, Features, Options, Leverages, Crypto Lending / Borrowing, Airdrops, Launch pads and Staking Also read: Aboat-token ABOAT Price USD
Frequently Asked Questions (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of DigiSwap (DIGIS) is USD 0.00035437
24 Hours, High Price of DigiSwap (DIGIS) is USD 0.00035702 and Low price of DigiSwap (DIGIS) is USD 0.00035437
The total supply of DigiSwap (DIGIS) is 135441098 and Circulating supply of DigiSwap (DIGIS) is 0.00
The trading volume of DigiSwap (DIGIS) is In the last 24 hours