KyotoSwap (KSWAP)
KyotoSwap (KSWAP)
Circulating 0.00
Total Supply 150,894.00
Max Supply 750,000,000.00

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Coin KyotoSwap
KyotoSwap Price Today (Kswap Price Today) is a traditional Uniswap V2 Automated Market Maker fork that upholds the tried-and-true AMM model. Our focus is on refining the decentralized exchange experience for our users and offer something new by integrating the ReFi (Regenerative Finance) model into our core vision and workings. The ReFi model sets our platform apart from other DEXs, and we do it by incorporating environmental sustainability into the DeFi experience. Our Impact feature enables users to plant trees and rank on the Impact Leaderboard, giving users a competitive surrounding for their tree-planting actions. For those that want more exposure and visibility, we offer the possibility of naming their wallets so you can make everyone know who the top planter and good-doer on the Leaderboard is, offering a unique marketing opportunity within the Kyoto ecosystem. Our native token is the KyotoSwap token (KSWAP), which serves as the platform's share and governance token. Another unique value proposition is that KSWAP farming on can be done with zero risk of impermanent loss to your holdings using our stable coin farm, and tokens accrued can be used to plant trees while ranking on our Leaderboard. The above approach makes it a unique marketing opportunity and free with minimum risk to our users.
Frequently Asked Questions (Crypto FAQs)
The current price of KyotoSwap (KSWAP) is USD
24 Hours, High Price of KyotoSwap (KSWAP) is USD 0 and Low price of KyotoSwap (KSWAP) is USD 0
The total supply of KyotoSwap (KSWAP) is 150894 and Circulating supply of KyotoSwap (KSWAP) is 0.00
The trading volume of KyotoSwap (KSWAP) is In the last 24 hours