MoSOLID Price Today (Mosolid Price Today)
moSOLID is a tokenized, liquid representation of veSOLID -- Solidly base-layer's veNFT.
Longer Description:
A tokenized version of veSOLID, moSOLID, is returned to the user at a 1:1 rate.
MONOLITH automatically converts rebased SOLID into moSOLID proportional to the users staked amount.
If a user deposits SOLID into MONOLITH, that SOLID is locked into the MONOLITH veNFT as veSOLID, in exchange-- the user receives proportional moSOLID.
moSOLID can be staked into the platform to receive a basket of rewards from the protocol's fees.
Rather than staking moSOLID, users can also choose to contribute to the Solidly liquidity pool moSOLID/wETH.
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