Launchpad | NA |
Buy BTCEO Now | Buy Here |
Total Supply Qty | 21,000,000.00 |
Tokens for Sale | 8,800,000.00 |
% of Supply | 41.90% |
Stage | Privatesale |
Fundraising Goal | 2,200,000 |
BTCEO IDO Price | 0.25 BNB |
1 USDT | 4.0000 |
Soft Cap | TBA |
Hard Cap | TBA |
Personal Cap | TBA |
BTCEO Project Category | Others |
BTCEO Contract Address | NA |
Website | BitcoinCEO Website |
Social Media |
About BitcoinCEO | Initial Dex Offering
BitcoinCEO is a meme coin inspired by the iconic doge meme, but with a unique purpose.Our mission is to help and feed all dogs around the world by using the power of community and blockchain technology.BitcoinCEO connects dog owners, enthusiasts, and charities to interact with each other in atrustless environment.