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Agnus AI Testnet Empowers Industries with Decentralization

06-Feb-2024 By: Simran Mishra
Agnus AI Testnet Emp

Agnus AI Testnet Release Signals Future of Trust in Blockchain

Agnus AI has revolutionized blockchain technology by launching its testnet, leading the way for the future of decentralization.

9th February 7 PM UTC

Agnus AI, a groundbreaking Layer-1 blockchain platform, is excited to announce the upcoming launch of its long-awaited testnet. This marks a major step forward in the development of decentralized technologies. Agnus AI combines artificial intelligence and blockchain like never before, promising to reshape trust, transparency, and innovation in the digital world.

Agnus AI focuses on speed, trust, and innovation, providing a transformative solution for industries wanting to leverage decentralized systems. By smoothly blending advanced technologies, Agnus AI guarantees scalability, trustworthiness, and security, setting the stage for a fresh era of decentralized applications (DApps) and blockchain-based solutions.

The Nexus of Technology and Trust

At the core of Agnus AI lies a commitment to technological advancement and trust. Through its innovative features and strong infrastructure, Agnus AI offers–

  • Scalability - Addressing the pressing need for scalable blockchain solutions, Agnus AI provides a platform capable of supporting the demands of diverse industries and applications.

  • Trust - Built upon the principles of transparency and immutability, Agnus AI builds trust by offering verifiable and tamper-proof records, ensuring the integrity of transactions and data.

  • Speed - With its hybrid consensus mechanism, Agnus AI combines Proof of Authority (PoA) and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) to achieve lightning-fast and efficient transactions and agreements. This unique approach ensures seamless operations with unmatched speed and reliability.

  • No Fraud - Agnus AI uses AI-powered security measures to reduce fraud risks, ensuring a safe environment for business and transactions. Users can trust Agnus AI for secure operations.

Unlocking Real-World Potential

Agnus AI is highly versatile, catering to diverse industries with customized solutions aimed at unlocking real-world potential. Through its specialized divisions for different use cases, Agnus AI effectively tackles critical challenges and delivers tangible benefits–

Supply Chain

Agnus AI revolutionizes supply chain management by providing unparalleled transparency, traceability, and efficiency. From real-time updates to cost savings, Agnus AI optimizes supply chain processes while ensuring quality assurance and reducing the risk of fraud.


Empowering users with decentralized applications, Agnus AI enhances data security, promotes interoperability, and enables censorship-resistant communication. From peer-to-peer transactions to community governance, Agnus AI empowers users to participate in a decentralized ecosystem.

Authenticity Verifications

To tackle counterfeiting and enhance consumer confidence, Agnus AI utilizes blockchain technology. It creates unchangeable records of authenticity using smart labels, blockchain certificates, and decentralized notarization. This guarantees that products and documents can be easily verified as genuine.

Roadmap to Success

Agnus AI's journey towards decentralization is guided by a clear roadmap:-

Q2 2023 – Q3 2023

Foundation - Project inception, team formation, and white paper release.

Q3 2023 - Q4 2023

Development and Prototyping - Smart contract development and prototype release.

Q1 2024 - Q2 2024

Testnet - Deployment, optimization, and feedback.

Q3 2024 - Q4 2024 

Mainnet - Launch and ecosystem growth.

Q1 2025 - Q2 2025

Decentralized Governance and AI Integration - Implementation of decentralized governance models and integration of AI.

Beyond Q2 2025

Continual innovation and responsiveness to evolving technological advancements and community needs.

About Agnus AI

Agnus AI is a leading Layer-1 blockchain platform, driven by the fusion of artificial intelligence and decentralized technologies. Committed to scalability, trust, and innovation, Agnus AI empowers industries and users to embrace the potential of decentralized ecosystems, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology and each other.

Team Launched Agnus AI (AGN) ERC20 Token

The team behind Agnus AI has launched the AGN ERC20 token for community building. The Contract Address is 0x550775e17ed6767621A1aEd580e6EB29EdE981E9.

Where to Buy Agnus AI

AGN tokens can be traded on decentralized exchanges. The most popular exchange to buy and trade Agnus AI is Uniswap V2 (Ethereum).

Connect with Us

As Agnus AI prepares to disclose its testnet in the coming days, we invite you to connect with us and embark on a journey toward a decentralized future:

Join us as we redefine the boundaries of technology and trust, showing in a new era of decentralized innovation with Agnus AI Blockchain 

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