University of Tokyo will begin offering Metaverse courses

25-Jul-2022 By: Rohit Tripathi
University of Tokyo

The University of Tokyo, popularly known as Todai, will begin 

Offering a variety of educational programs in the Metaverse later this year.

According to a July 23 report from a local media outlet, the courses will be available to students ranging from high school to adult learners in the workforce.

The reports stated that the Metaverse study programs will not be delivered through its own dedicated department that provides degrees, but rather through Todai's College of Engineering and engineering-related graduate schools. Students who successfully finish the courses will be awarded certificates.

Todai's initiative was created to address the need for trained employees working on digital transformation and advanced technologies.

University authorities also stressed that learning in the Metaverse will create a scenario in which anybody, regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic position, or location, will be able to learn about engineering and information science.

Crypto and NFTs were not expressly addressed, but given that the industry is frequently connected with the Metaverse and boasts a number of prominent Metaverse businesses, there is likely to be some discussion of blockchain-based platforms.

Junior-high and high-school students will be given an overview of the space, as well as information on prospective career paths in engineering, science, and other relevant subjects. They will learn the material through a combination of online and in-person classes.

University students and those already in the workforce will be able to reskill/upskill through linked online courses focusing on artificial intelligence (AI), next-generation communication technology, and entrepreneurship education.

There will also be an effort to encourage more women to enroll in the programs, since a lack of female representation in engineering has been noted as an issue.

Read also: Top metaverse News: Web3 platforms launch the Open Metaverse Alliance

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