Twitter’s Web 3.0 Alternative Damus is Giving Away Satoshi to Incentivize User Engagement

  • Damus is based on Nostr, a decentralized network based on cryptographic keypairs, that makes the platform completely free from any centralized ownership

  • Damus is working towards incentivizing its users with the smallest quantity of Bitcoin, Satoshi

Twitter’s Web 3.0 Al

Damus, a decentralized microblogging platform, is all set to give away Satoshi, the smallest unit of Bitcoin to the users in exchange for engagement. 

Damus is based on Nostr, a decentralized network based on cryptographic keypairs, that makes the platform completely free from any centralized ownership. While sharing the new engagement incentivizing mechanism for the platform, Damus said that their users would be able to earn Satoshi by increasing their engagement on the platform. 

Damus company

Apart from this, Damus has not shared the date on which the update would be released. 

Damus is a social network that is not controlled by traditional media companies that are used to feed excessive ads to users. Damus is based on Nostr which denotes “Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays which enables the users to communicate privately. Nostr protocol, as defined by Edward Snowden, is like “a river that no one owns and everyone is free to swim in”. 

Snowdern on Damus

Co-Founder and Former CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey is one of the key promoters of Damus who has also donated 130 Bitcoins to the project during its early phase. This donation is close to $250,000 in value at the time of donation. Jack also promoted the declaration of incentivizing engagement on the platform from its Twitter account, declaring it as a milestone for open protocols. 

Right now Damus is an iOS exclusive application that went live on the App Store on the first day of Feb 2023. Damus is designed to provide uncensored and unfiltered freedom of expression to its users. As there is no centralized figure to control the system, Damus could become an open-source alternative to Twitter.

Apart from Damus, Nostr protocol hosts 8 other open-source projects based on the same technology. This includes Anigman, a decentralized alternative to Telegram, and NVote, a Reddit-like space for community thread discussion. 

With time, Web 3.0 is coming to reality and people are more than excited to accept the change. Would Damus be able to compete with the market dominance of Twitter with its unique decentralized approach? 

To know the answer, keep following, and don’t forget to share your views in the comments down below. 

Also, Read - Fake Investors Hacked $4M Worth of Crypto from Webverse Founders

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