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Dwpbank to Offer Bitcoin Trading in Germany Short news

Dwpbank to Offer Bitcoin Trading in Germany Short news

Dwpbank Will Allow Trading in Bitcoin in Germany

Deutsche WertpapierService Bank (Dwpbank), which offers securities processing to around 1,200 banks in Germany, is building a new platform, wpNex, that will offer bitcoin to all its partner retail customers in the second half of this year. According to reports, the service will include crypto accounts along with other accounts of bank customers and will not require an additional "Know Your Customer" (KYC) process. 

Tangany and Tradias will also participate in this offer. Through this service, retail customers will not hold private keys. Dwpbank CEO Heiko Beck has revealed that the bank plans to add other cryptocurrencies, digital assets, and tokenized securities to the service in the future.

By: Pankaj Gupta

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