How to Select the Right Blockchain for your GameFi Project?

Key takeaways

  • Blockchain development and maintenance could be expensive if you don't have the right approach.

  • Selecting the right blockchain needs deep research and intense planning.

  • It is also important to make sure you or your team are skilled enough before starting the implementation phase.

15-Dec-2022 Anirudh Trivedi
How to Select the Right Blockchain for your GameFi Project?

You might have heard about blockchain-based gaming projects that pay you to play the game. This is made possible by combining the Metaverse or gaming sector with DeFi; currently, many games provide such rewards but are not very lucrative or fun to play. Citing this, we believe that GameFi needs better games and for creating better games; developers would need to find a perfect blockchain.

In this guide, we're going to break down what different blockchains could be used, how they would work, and how you can choose the right one for your GameFi project.

How is blockchain relevant to gaming projects?

GameFi gamers are incentivized when they play games; this means that gamers can earn cryptocurrencies if they clear a level, competition, etc. Here, the gamers are theoretically mining the cryptocurrencies and NFTs; to support that we would need marketplaces and platforms to generate liquidity, value, and use cases for the cryptocurrencies. 

GameFi projects can use blockchains in different ways, but the most common use is for creating and verifying digital assets. When you create a new asset on the blockchain, you are essentially creating a new record that can never be changed or deleted. This provides a high level of security and trust for all game transactions.

Besides, the fact that blockchain allows transparency, community-driven projects, and security is like a cherry on the cake.

What Are the Different Types of Blockchains?

When it comes to blockchains, there are a few different types you can choose from public, consortium, and private. The choice of type of blockchain could and should be according to your tokenomics, business model, and gameplay.

Public blockchains are open to anyone who wants to use them. They're decentralized, meaning there's no one central authority controlling them. This makes them incredibly secure, as hacking a public blockchain is essentially impossible. However, this also makes them slower and less efficient than other types of blockchains. You can use a blockchain like Ethereum to access the whole ecosystem and other protocols. 

Consortium blockchains are controlled by a group of pre-selected nodes. This makes them faster and more efficient than public blockchains but still maintains their security. The downside is that they're not as decentralized as public blockchains, which can make them less trustworthy to some people. Hybrid blockchains could also be used for keeping a part of the game public; this could add a new revenue stream, users, and much more to your game.

Private blockchains are only open to a select few people. They're the most efficient type of blockchain, but they're also the most insecure. This is because private blockchains are much easier to hack than public or consortium blockchains; even though low security is the issue of smart contracts; if your game is invite-only; consider using a private blockchain.

What Criteria Should You Consider When Selecting a Blockchain?

When it comes to selecting the perfect blockchain for your GameFi project, you need to consider a range of factors. Here are six key criteria to keep in mind:

  • 1. The level of security offered by the blockchain

  • 2. The scalability of the blockchain

  • 3. The speed of the blockchain

  • 4. The size of the blockchain

  • 5. The ease of use of the blockchain

  • 6. The cost of using the blockchain

Steps for choosing the right blockchain

  1. Determine your project's specific needs and requirements. This will help you identify the key features and capabilities that the blockchain should have in order to support your project. For example, if your project requires fast transaction times, low fees, and high scalability, you will want to look for a blockchain that offers these features.

  2. Research different blockchain platforms to see which ones meet your project's needs. Some popular blockchain platforms for gaming projects include Ethereum, EOS, TRON, and Flow. Take the time to compare the features and capabilities of each platform to see which ones align with your project's requirements.

  3. Consider the developer community and ecosystem around the platform. A strong developer community can provide support and resources for building on the platform, and a thriving ecosystem can provide opportunities for partnerships and collaborations.

  4. Evaluate the platform's security and stability. Blockchain technology is still relatively new, and not all platforms are equally secure and stable. Make sure to thoroughly research the security measures and track record of any platform you are considering.

  5. Take into account any potential regulatory considerations. Depending on your project, there may be specific regulatory requirements that you need to comply with. Make sure to research the regulatory landscape and ensure that the platform you choose is compliant with any relevant laws and regulations.

Overall, selecting a blockchain for your gaming project is a decision that should be made carefully. By considering your project's specific needs, researching different platforms, and evaluating their security and stability, you can make an informed decision that will help ensure the success of your project.

How Do You Evaluate the Performance of a Blockchain?

Once you've narrowed down your list of potential blockchains for your project, it's time to evaluate their performance. The key here is to look for a solution that can handle the number of transactions you need and can do so quickly and securely.

When evaluating a blockchain's performance, there are three main metrics to keep in mind. 

The first is throughput, which measures how many transactions the network can process per second (TPS). You'll want a blockchain with a high throughput if you anticipate high-volume activity on your platform.

The second metric is latency, which refers to the time it takes for a transaction to be confirmed and written onto the blockchain. The lower the latency, the faster transactions are processed by the network. 

Finally, there’s scalability—or its ability to increase capacity when usage surges—which will make sure your platform remains reliable and stable over time.

Security and Privacy Considerations When Choosing a Blockchain

When picking the right blockchain for your GameFi project, one of the most important considerations to make is security and privacy. You'll want to choose a blockchain that's secure, as well as one that has strong privacy protocols in place.

When picking a blockchain, look at its authentication mechanism. Public blockchains are typically secured by Proof-of-Work or Proof-of-Stake algorithms, while private blockchains usually use a 'permission-based' architecture where only trusted nodes can participate in the network.

Privacy is also key when it comes to the blockchain technology you select. You'll have to examine how it handles data storage and transmission. 

Choose a blockchain that provides cryptographic mechanisms to protect data from tampering or unauthorized access, such as zero-knowledge proof techniques or confidential transactions.

In addition, make sure that your chosen blockchain can handle any specific security requirements for your project—such as support for multi-signature transactions—and also assess whether your choice offers sufficient scalability for future growth and usage demands.

What functionalities would you need as a developer?

Developers need to think about the functionalities they will require from the blockchain. Different blockchains have different features and capabilities, so it’s important to understand what you need from a blockchain before making a decision.

For example, if you're looking for a public blockchain platform to host your game, Ethereum might be a great choice as it offers smart contract functionality and supports decentralized applications (DApps). On the other hand, if you require a more efficient and faster system, then you might consider Hyperledger Fabric or Corda, which are both private blockchains that can support high transaction throughputs.

It's also important to consider scalability when selecting a blockchain as well. If your project requires thousands of transactions per second (TPS), then you may want to choose a blockchain like EOS that can handle large numbers of transactions. On the other hand, if your project only needs a few transactions per second, then Bitcoin or Litecoin might be more suitable choices.

Finally, consider the cost associated with developing the chosen blockchain. Some blockchains are free while others come with certain fees or charges associated with their use. You'll need to factor in these costs before making any decisions.


In the end, the decision of which blockchain is best for your GameFi project comes down to a few key factors. 

First, what is the nature of your project? Is it a game, an application, or something else? 

Second, what are your development experience and comfort level? Are you a seasoned blockchain developer or a complete novice? 

Third, what is the size and scope of your project? Are you building a small application or a large, multi-player game? Fourth, what is your budget?

Blockchain development can be expensive, so you need to make sure you have the funds to get started. Finally, what are your long-term goals for your project? Are you looking to launch a game that will be played by millions of people or are you just trying to build a proof-of-concept?

Answering these questions will help you narrow down the field and choose the perfect blockchain for your project.

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